On 07/10/2018 06:59 AM, Lara wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2018, at 12:12, David Niklas wrote:
>> grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> One email, and ticket opened, and tweet complaint, per each
>>> captcha click, from each affected tor user... that should do the
>>> trick ;-)
>> I think I'll try that.
> Hence proving to the world that the Tor community is tiny, yet a
> major pain in the rear and as most generate only negative income
> they should be blocked for ever.

You have a point. For example, how did Facebook come around to have an
onion? Was it just that Alec Muffett championed it? Did complaints from
excluded users play a role? Positive or negative?

Me, I've never been much into complaining. If there's something in my
way, I just work around it. For example, some time ago, I decided to
have a Twitter account. And it had to be via Tor. But Twitter didn't
like that. So via Tor, I leased a VPS with well-mixed Bitcoin, installed
Debian with a light Openbox desktop, and setup an RDP onion. And Twitter
was cool with that.
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