On 05/04/2019 12:21 AM, Joe wrote:
> I've used the latest stable TBB 8.0.8 (Linux) since released with the
> latest NoScript (at that time).
> Today is the 1st day I saw that NoScript was disabled by TBB.
> I see now that it's not a TBB only issue, but also Firefox.
> A comment on Reddit said, "They [Mozilla] let their add-on signing
> certificate expire and it invalidated a shitload of add-ons."
> I assume it expired today?  When TBB & Fx checked for addon versions, it
> saw the expired signing certificate.
> There is a script listed on Reddit that supposedly will re-enable the
> addons, but until Mozilla fixes the signing certificate bug, they said
> the script would need running every 24 hrs.

See https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30388 for temporary fix.

> There is a new NoScript version 10.6.1, but it wouldn't be tweaked for
> TBB - downloading it from AMO or NoScript's site, even if it would install.
> HTTPS Everywhere isn't tagged as a legacy addon for me, but it can't
> update to the new version, either.

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