Lotta Kallio:
> Dear Tor Volunteers and Engineers,
> Hope you are fine.
> You know i had wrote an email about TB Android's built-in bridges and few 
> days later you released new build with new changes. I installed TB 8.5.1 and 
> tried again. I waited for minutes but no luck. Respectfully nothing is 
> changed. I captured two (2) screenshots of TB Android. I attached those and 
> also uploaded.
> https://share.riseup.net/#XPnjRD_0eeveNMVq_XO9eQ
> https://share.riseup.net/#87nFB3buzwydBx9MF3kmDQ

Do you have a desktop machine and can confirm that none of the bridges
that are failing on Android is working on desktop either?


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