Date: 2004-03-03T19:17:53 Editor: ScottEade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Wiki: DB Torque Wiki Page: TutorialErrata URL:
Converted content. Added comment from Scarab issue. New Page: = The existing Tutorial should be used with Troque-3.0! = If someone would like to indicate updates that are necessary to bring the turorial up to the latest release then please note your findings here. ---- I tried to follow the tutorial on the torque web site. It worked very well except for the following issues, which I had difficulties with: * It took me a while to figure out that I should have downloaded torque-gen as well as torque itself in step 1 (Ok, the link points at a directory where both fileas are listed, but a short hint for the stupid cannot hurt ;-)). It seems that the tutorial is not yet adapted to the situation of a separate generator. Some files which are said to be in the root of torque are actually located in the root of torque-gen. * Also, it would be worth while mentioning that one should call {{{Torque.init(path_to_config_file)}}} at the start of the java code, before one starsdt using torque classes. -- ThomasFischer in [ TRQD26] --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]