Date: 2004-03-17T16:51:28
   Editor: <>
   Wiki: DB Torque Wiki
   Page: TutorialErrata

   discussion of building from CVS with maven

Change Log:

@@ -19,9 +19,57 @@
  * the directory structure is nothing like that listed in any of the docs, which is 
really vexing....
  * so I used maven, that seeming to be the thing to do, and because I couldn't find 
the files to modify to go the ant route.
- * In retrospect, maven use could be pretty painless, except for the following 
problem that kept tripping me up.  If I did the following:{ { {
-    cd db-torque; 
+ * In retrospect, maven use could be pretty painless, except for the following 
problem that kept tripping me up.  If I did the following:{{{
+    cd db-torque 
     maven install:plugin
     maven torque:jdbc
-} } } Then I would get an error, as the maven plugin could not find the source for my 
+ Then I would get an error, as the maven plugin could not find the source for my 
org.postgres.Driver.  The only fix I could figure out was to directly edit 
{{{~/.maven/plugins/maven-torque-plugin-3.2/project.xml}}} and insert the following 
dependecy node: {{{
+    <dependency>
+      <id>postgresql</id>
+      <version>7.4.1-jdbc3</version>
+      <properties>
+        <classloader>root</classloader>
+      </properties>
+    </dependency>
+    }}}
+ I could not get this dependency to stick by editing any of the project.xml files in 
db-torque, nor in {{{myproject/project.xml}}}.  After adding that hack, the following 
worked: {{{
+    mkdir newproject
+    cd newproject
+    [create project.xml]
+    mkdir -p src/schema
+    touch src/schema/schema.xml
+    maven torque:jdbc
+}}} producing the following output (with my server name changed) {{{
+|  \/  |__ _Apache__ ___
+| |\/| / _` \ V / -_) ' \  ~ intelligent projects ~
+|_|  |_\__,_|\_/\___|_||_|  v. 1.0-rc1-SNAPSHOT
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Torque - JDBCToXMLSchema starting
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Your DB settings are:
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] driver : org.postgresql.Driver
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] URL : jdbc:postgresql://
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] user : susieq
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] schema : 
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] DB driver sucessfuly instantiated
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] DB connection established
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Getting table list...
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Building column/table map...
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: arbitrary_points
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: geometry_columns
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: gps_obs
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: gps_segment
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: gps_trace
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Processing table: spatial_ref_sys
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] /home/susieq/javawork/newproject/src/schema/schema.xml
+    [torque-jdbc-transform] Torque - JDBCToXMLSchema finished
+Total time: 12 seconds
+Finished at: Wed Mar 17 16:25:13 PST 2004

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