henning     2004/10/30 05:28:14

  Modified:    src/generator/xdocs Tag: TORQUE_3_1_BRANCH
  Clean up the properties docs file a bit.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  No                   revision
  No                   revision   +406 -470  db-torque/src/generator/xdocs/properties-reference.xml
  Index: properties-reference.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/db-torque/src/generator/xdocs/properties-reference.xml,v
  retrieving revision
  retrieving revision
  diff -u -r1.4.2.5 -r1.4.2.6
  --- properties-reference.xml  30 Oct 2004 12:10:32 -0000
  +++ properties-reference.xml  30 Oct 2004 12:28:14 -0000
  @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
   <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <title>Torque - Properties Reference</title>
       <author email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">Stephen Haberman</author>
  @@ -9,474 +8,411 @@
  -<section name="Build-time Properties">
  -  These properties are set in the <code>build.properties</code> file or the
  -  file of your chosing, specificed by the <code>torque.contextProperties</code>
  -  property. They affect how Torque generates Java and SQL code for your project.
  -  <th> Property </th>
  -  <th> Default </th>
  -  <th> Description </th>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Basic Properties </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.project </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The name of the project Torque will generate code for. After choosing the
  -    project name, your XML schema file (originally <code>project-schema.xml</code>),
  -    that Torque will read should be renamed to 
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Torque must know the target database platform in order to generate the
  -    appropriate Java and SQL code. Currently supported values are:
  -      axion, cloudscape, db2, db2400, hypersonic, interbase, mssql, mysql,
  -      oracle, postgresql, sapdb, and sybase.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.targetPackage </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The Java package that Torque will put the generated classes in. Generally
  -    something like <code>com.company.project.om</code>.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.runOnlyOnSchemaChange </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    When <code>true</code> the <code>om</code> goal will only be executed
  -    when the schema has actually been updated.
  -  </td>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Directories and Paths </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.home </code></td>
  -  <td><code> . </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The base directory for the input and output of files.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.templatePath </code></td>
  -  <td><code> templates </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The path relative to where Torque is being executed to load the
  -    Velocity templates from.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.output.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.home}/target </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The base directory for the output files.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.schema.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.home}/schema </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The base directory to reading <code>*-schema.xml</code> files from.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.doc.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.output.dir}/doc </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to place HTML documentation generated from the XML schema.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.java.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${maven.src.dir}/java </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to place all of the generated Java code in.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.sql.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.output.dir}/sql </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to place all of the generated SQL in.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.javadoc.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.output.dir}/javadoc </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to javadocs generated from the Java om files.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.ojb.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${maven.src.dir}/ojb </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to place all of the generated OJB code in.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.output.dir} </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The directory to place the jar files output by the om-zip goal.
  -  </td>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Database Settings </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.createUrl </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The JDBC URL that Torque can use to create and drop databases if instructed
  -    to do so. This is typically an administrative URL.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.buildUrl </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The JDBC URL that will be used to access your database. Torque can use
  -    this to create your tables if instructed to do so.  This value should
  -    reflect the database name specified in the database schema file
  -    (described in the next section).
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.url </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    This should contain the same value as <em>buildDatabaseURL</em>.
  -    [not quite sure why both of these properties exist]
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.driver </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The JDBC database driver to use when connecting to your database.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.user </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The administrative username that has sufficient privileges to
  -    create and drop databases and tables that Torque executes at build time.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.password </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The administrative password for the supplied username.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.host </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The hostname or IP address of your database server.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.schema </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Used by the JDBC -> XML process, and by the SQL Ant Task
  -    that will initialize your target database with the
  -    generated SQL. This is only used by Oracle at this time.
  -    This must be UPPERCASE!
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.name </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The database name to use in the <code>datadump</code> target.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.database.manualCreation </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    When <code>false</code>, Torque can automatically execute the SQL to
  -    create your database tables via the <code>create-db</code> target. This
  -    will destroy old data, so manual creation is safer in non-dev environments.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.sameJavaName </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -  </td>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Template Variables </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.addGetByNameMethod </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque adds methods to get database fields by name/position.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.addIntakeRetrievable </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, the data objects will implement Intake's Retrievable
  -    interface
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.retrievableInterface </code></td>
  -  <td><code> org.apache.turbine.om.Retrievable (for Turbine 2.2) </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Defines the Retrievable interface. (set to
  -    org.apache.fulcrum.intake.Retrievable if you are using Fulcrum)
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.addSaveMethod </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque adds tracking code to determine how to save objects.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.saveException </code></td>
  -  <td><code> Exception </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Defines which Exception should be thrown by the Object.save() method.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.addTimeStamp </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque puts time stamps in generated om files.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.basePrefix </code></td>
  -  <td><code> Base </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    A string to pre-pend to the file names of base data and peer objects.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.complexObjectModel </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque generates data objects with collection support and
  -    methods to easily retrieve foreign key relationships.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.useClasspath </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque will not look in the <code>templatePath</code> directory,
  -    for templates, but instead load them from the classpath, allowing you to
  -    use Torque without extracting it from the jar.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.useManagers </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque will generate Manager classes that use JCS for caching.
  -    Still considered experimental.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.objectIsCaching </code></td>
  -  <td><code> true </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque generates data objects that cache their foreign
  -    key relationships. If this is not desired (because the underlying objects
  -    can be manipulated from other code), set this property to false. This currently
  -    cannot combined with the manager setting from above.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.correctGetters </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    If true, Torque generates is&lt;xxx&gt; getter methods for boolean columns. 
These are
  -    Bean-Spec compliant but break compatibility with all releases up to 3.1.1.
  -  </td>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Misc. Settings </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.idTableXMLFile </code></td>
  -  <td><code> N/A </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.doc.format </code></td>
  -  <td><code> html </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Possible values are html and anakia.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.doc.html.normalFont </code></td>
  -  <td><code> font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The value for the CSS class <code>normalFont</code> that is used to format
  -    the text of the HTML output.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.doc.html.fkColor </code></td>
  -  <td><code> afe295 </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The color that the names of foreign key columns are highlighted with in the
  -    HTML output.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.initialID </code></td>
  -  <td><code> 101</code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Controls the starting id of table entries when creating SQL for the id-table. 
If you
  -    have two projects that use the same id-table in the same database with 
different tables,
  -    make sure that they have different initialID settings and the ranges (initialID 
is incremented
  -    for every new table) don't overlap.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.initialIDValue</code></td>
  -  <td><code> 1000</code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    The start value of the ID broker for supplying IDs to Torque. This value is 
incremented every
  -    time Torque requests ID keys from the broker. If you pre-load your table 
straight from SQL, 
  -    make sure that you don't accidentially overlap with this setting, because 
Torque doesn't keep
  -    record of what IDs are already taken in the database. If you overlap, inserting 
new objects
  -    will fail because the ID assigned by Torque is already taken.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.initialIDStep</code></td>
  -  <td><code> 10</code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    For performance reasons, the ID Broker does not request a single ID at a time 
but fetches a
  -    whole range and increments the current next ID Value in the ID Table by this 
step. If you have
  -    to do lots of inserts straight in a row, increment this value to get slightly 
better performance.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.src.base </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om generated base src (BaseX.java) files should be included in 
  -    the src jar produced by om-zip.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.src.extension </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om generated extension src (X.java) files should be included in 
  -    the src jar produced by om-zip.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.bin.base </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om generated base class (BaseX.class) files should be included 
  -    in the bin jar produced by om-zip.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.bin.extension </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om generated extension class (X.class) files should be included 
  -    in the bin jar produced by om-zip.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.omzip.deleteFiles </code></td>
  -  <td><code> false </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the generated om files should be deleted following the om-zip.
  -  </td>
  -  <td colspan="3"><strong> Compile Settings </strong></td>
  -  <td><code> torque.compile.src.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> ${torque.java.dir} </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Where to read the Java om source files.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.compile.build.dir </code></td>
  -  <td><code> bin/classes </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Where to put the compiled byte code for om classes.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.compile.debug </code></td>
  -  <td><code> on </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om classes are compiled with debug code.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.compile.deprecation </code></td>
  -  <td><code> off </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om classes are compiled with deprecation allowed.
  -  </td>
  -  <td><code> torque.compile.optimize </code></td>
  -  <td><code> off </code></td>
  -  <td>
  -    Whether the om classes are optimized during compilation.
  -  </td>
  +    <section name="Build-time Properties">
  +    <p>
  +     These properties are set in the <code>build.properties</code>
  +     file or the file of your chosing, specificed by the
  +     <code>torque.contextProperties</code> property. They affect how
  +     Torque generates Java and SQL code for your project.
  +    </p>
  +    <table>
  +    <tr>
  +      <th> Property </th>
  +      <th> Default </th>
  +      <th> Description </th>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Basic Properties </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.project</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The name of the project Torque will generate code for. After choosing the
  +        project name, your XML schema file (originally 
  +        that Torque will read should be renamed to 
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Torque must know the target database platform in order to generate the
  +        appropriate Java and SQL code. Currently supported values are:
  +        axion, cloudscape, db2, db2400, hypersonic, interbase, mssql, mysql,
  +        oracle, postgresql, sapdb, and sybase.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.targetPackage</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The Java package that Torque will put the generated classes in. Generally
  +        something like <code>com.company.project.om</code>.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.runOnlyOnSchemaChange</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        When <code>true</code> the <code>om</code> goal will only be executed
  +        when the schema has actually been updated.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Directories and Paths </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.home</code></td>
  +      <td><code>.</code></td>
  +      <td>The base directory for the input and output of files.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.templatePath</code></td>
  +      <td><code>templates</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The path relative to where Torque is being executed to load the
  +        Velocity templates from.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.output.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.home}/target</code></td>
  +      <td>The base directory for the output files.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.schema.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.home}/schema</code></td>
  +      <td>The base directory to reading <code>*-schema.xml</code> files from.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.doc.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.output.dir}/doc</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to place HTML documentation generated from the XML 
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.java.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${maven.src.dir}/java</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to place all of the generated Java code in.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.sql.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.output.dir}/sql</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to place all of the generated SQL in.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.javadoc.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.output.dir}/javadoc</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to javadocs generated from the Java om files.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.ojb.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${maven.src.dir}/ojb</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to place all of the generated OJB code in.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.output.dir}</code></td>
  +      <td>The directory to place the jar files output by the om-zip goal.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Database Settings </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.createUrl</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The JDBC URL that Torque can use to create and drop databases if instructed
  +        to do so. This is typically an administrative URL.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.buildUrl</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The JDBC URL that will be used to access your database. Torque can use
  +        this to create your tables if instructed to do so.  This value should
  +        reflect the database name specified in the database schema file
  +        (described in the next section).
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.url</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        This should contain the same value as <em>buildDatabaseURL</em>.
  +        [not quite sure why both of these properties exist]
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.driver</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>The JDBC database driver to use when connecting to your database.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.user</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The administrative username that has sufficient privileges to
  +        create and drop databases and tables that Torque executes at build time.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.password</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>The administrative password for the supplied username.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.host</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>The hostname or IP address of your database server.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.schema</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Used by the JDBC -> XML process, and by the SQL Ant Task
  +        that will initialize your target database with the
  +        generated SQL. This is only used by Oracle at this time.
  +        This must be UPPERCASE!
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.name</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td>The database name to use in the <code>datadump</code> target.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.database.manualCreation</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        When <code>false</code>, Torque can automatically execute the SQL to
  +        create your database tables via the <code>create-db</code> target. This
  +        will destroy old data, so manual creation is safer in non-dev environments.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.sameJavaName</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td/>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Template Variables </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.addGetByNameMethod</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>If true, Torque adds methods to get database fields by name/position.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.addIntakeRetrievable</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>If true, the data objects will implement Intake's Retrievable 
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.retrievableInterface</code></td>
  +      <td><code>org.apache.turbine.om.Retrievable (for Turbine 2.2)</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Defines the Retrievable interface. (set to
  +        org.apache.fulcrum.intake.Retrievable if you are using Fulcrum)
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.addSaveMethod</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>If true, Torque adds tracking code to determine how to save objects.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.saveException</code></td>
  +      <td><code>Exception</code></td>
  +      <td>Defines which Exception should be thrown by the Object.save() method.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.addTimeStamp</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>If true, Torque puts time stamps in generated om files.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.basePrefix</code></td>
  +      <td><code>Base</code></td>
  +      <td>A string to pre-pend to the file names of base data and peer objects.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.complexObjectModel</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        If true, Torque generates data objects with collection support and
  +        methods to easily retrieve foreign key relationships.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.useClasspath</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        If true, Torque will not look in the <code>templatePath</code> directory,
  +        for templates, but instead load them from the classpath, allowing you to
  +        use Torque without extracting it from the jar.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.useManagers</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        If true, Torque will generate Manager classes that use JCS for caching.
  +        Still considered experimental.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.objectIsCaching</code></td>
  +      <td><code>true</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        If true, Torque generates data objects that cache their foreign
  +        key relationships. If this is not desired (because the underlying objects
  +        can be manipulated from other code), set this property to false. This 
  +        cannot combined with the manager setting from above.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.correctGetters</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        If true, Torque generates is&lt;xxx&gt; getter methods for boolean columns. 
These are
  +        Bean-Spec compliant but break compatibility with all releases up to 3.1.1.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Misc. Settings </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.idTableXMLFile</code></td>
  +      <td><code>N/A</code></td>
  +      <td/>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.doc.format</code></td>
  +      <td><code>html</code></td>
  +      <td>Possible values are html and anakia.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.doc.html.normalFont</code></td>
  +      <td><code>font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt;</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The value for the CSS class <code>normalFont</code> that is used to format
  +        the text of the HTML output.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.doc.html.fkColor</code></td>
  +      <td><code>afe295</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The color that the names of foreign key columns are highlighted with in the
  +        HTML output.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.initialID</code></td>
  +      <td><code>101</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Controls the starting id of table entries when creating SQL for the 
id-table. If you
  +        have two projects that use the same id-table in the same database with 
different tables,
  +        make sure that they have different initialID settings and the ranges 
(initialID is incremented
  +        for every new table) don't overlap.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.initialIDValue</code></td>
  +      <td><code>1000</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        The start value of the ID broker for supplying IDs to Torque. This value is 
incremented every
  +        time Torque requests ID keys from the broker. If you pre-load your table 
straight from SQL, 
  +        make sure that you don't accidentially overlap with this setting, because 
Torque doesn't keep
  +        record of what IDs are already taken in the database. If you overlap, 
inserting new objects
  +        will fail because the ID assigned by Torque is already taken.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.initialIDStep</code></td>
  +      <td><code>10</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        For performance reasons, the ID Broker does not request a single ID at a 
time but fetches a
  +        whole range and increments the current next ID Value in the ID Table by 
this step. If you have
  +        to do lots of inserts straight in a row, increment this value to get 
slightly better performance.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.src.base</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Whether the om generated base src (BaseX.java) files should be included in 
  +        the src jar produced by om-zip.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.src.extension</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Whether the om generated extension src (X.java) files should be included in 
  +        the src jar produced by om-zip.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.bin.base</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Whether the om generated base class (BaseX.class) files should be included 
  +        in the bin jar produced by om-zip.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.bin.extension</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>
  +        Whether the om generated extension class (X.class) files should be included 
  +        in the bin jar produced by om-zip.
  +      </td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.omzip.deleteFiles</code></td>
  +      <td><code>false</code></td>
  +      <td>Whether the generated om files should be deleted following the 
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td colspan="3"><strong> Compile Settings </strong></td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.compile.src.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>${torque.java.dir}</code></td>
  +      <td>Where to read the Java om source files.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.compile.build.dir</code></td>
  +      <td><code>bin/classes</code></td>
  +      <td>Where to put the compiled byte code for om classes.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.compile.debug</code></td>
  +      <td><code>on</code></td>
  +      <td>Whether the om classes are compiled with debug code.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.compile.deprecation</code></td>
  +      <td><code>off</code></td>
  +      <td>Whether the om classes are compiled with deprecation allowed.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    <tr>
  +      <td><code>torque.compile.optimize</code></td>
  +      <td><code>off</code></td>
  +      <td>Whether the om classes are optimized during compilation.</td>
  +    </tr>
  +    </table>
  +    </section>

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