I hadn't noticed this before...

The doSelectJoin* methods include code that identifies if the child object just retrieved is also the child object of a previously retrieved parent object. This is a nasty loop the loop function - as each parent object is retrieved the child object for the growing list of previously retrieved parents must be scanned.

Now I happen to have torque.useManagers set to true but no cache configured, so each time a child object is retrieved (via ChildManager.getInstance) a query is executed.

In a particular location in my application a user has a larger number of related objects that normal (136 rather than a more typical number of less than say 10). When the doSelectJoinChild method is hit the lights dim as the 135th Fibonacci number of queries is executed - that's 9180 queries!

No doubt I can fix this by correctly configuring my cache or by not using Managers, but it was certainly an interesting issue to suddenly spot in an application that has been ticking along quite nicely for some time now.

Note that this particular application is currently stuck back on torque 3.1.1 - I haven't looked to see if there have been changes that alter this implementation.


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