In preparation for the first 3.3 RC, I've been running
the test project against several DBs recently: MS SQL, 
different MySQL versions, Derby (JDBC Driver), and a 
quick run at HypersonicSQL.
(Quick FYI aside:  Derby has problems with that I'm 
working out)
Here's some thoughts that have come out of this process.
1) The test-project properties can have a lot of 
different build properties, such as: beans/nobeans;
idBrokerMethod; managers/no manager; and the like.
It seems like we should have an agreed upon set of 
test run properties that need to be used against a
database type to say it's truly passed the tests.
In other words, the test-project needs to be run 
several times against a DB with each run having a 
different set of properties, E.g. with Beans, with
Beans/Managers, with native/idBroker methods, 
and the like.
There's a lot of combinations, so which ones make 
2) Should there be semi-standardized reporting of 
Test-project runs with new version RCs?  I.e., ask
folks to test it against their DB, and then send 
in a report with OS, JVM, DB Version, JDBC Driver, 
and results of each test run type?
3) Should there be a core of required DB's that have 
to be tested and pass before a version is released?  
E.g., MySQL, Derby ('cause we're part of the DB 
project!), Postgres, Oracle, DB2, and MS SQL/Sybase
come to mind.  DB2 is the only one I haven't seen
mentioned here in a while.
4) Do we want to "publish" this info anywhere?  E.g.,
in the final version release notes have a list of 
DB versions, JDBC versions that Torque was tested 
against before release.
FWIW, if we can decide on the set of test run 
criteria, I'll take a pass at doing an Ant script
to set up the conditions and call Maven to do the
tests against a DB in one step.  (Probably can do
this with a Maven uber project, but I can do it
faster in ant then figuring out the Maven property
inheritance quirks.)
Greg Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (919)680-5050
C&IS Solutions Team Lead
Duke Corporate Education, Inc.
333 Liggett St.
Durham, NC 27701


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