Catching up on all the activity around Torque and V4.0... It occurred to me 
that we might want to
make sure "What Torque Is" before we get lost in the all the details...  
Especially concerning
functionality to drop or add.

What I mean by "What is Torque?" is the ideal "elevator pitch" that describes 
Torque.  For
anyone not familiar with this term, Wikipedia say:

  "An elevator pitch is an overview of an idea for a product, service, or 
project. The name
   reflects the fact that an elevator pitch should be possible to deliver in 
the time span of
   an elevator ride"

At my work, we occasionally have people involved in project generate a project 
pitch" as a group.  It's often amazing how many different viewpoints people 
really have
about something the group thought they had a common understanding about.

However, once we get a good short description, this then becomes a touchstone 
to refer
 to when ideas are proposed.. e.g., this Idea enhances this.. or telling 
someone an idea
doesn't map to the project (or convincing folks to expand the project).

I think Torque would benefit from us defining such a statement to help frame 
what Torque
4.0 is working towards.

That said, my personal elevator speech for Torque is:

    Torque is designed to simplify using SQL data in Java applications across 
all the common SQL
    database servers.  It allows for rapid  development, while supporting the 
full application life

    Torque is based on modeling your data schema in XML.  Torque uses this XML 
to generate
    the Java objects needed to access your data via it's runtime component.  In 
    Torque can generate the SQL needed to create the underlying DB and supports 
setting up
    the initial data your applications might need.

   This means development is faster because you concentrate on defining the 
   data, then quickly start using the Torque generated objects to work on the 

   It assists in the application deployment phase with its generated SQL 
scripts and initial
   data setup capabilities.

   Finally, it helps in the maintenance phase in several ways.  For example, 
the XML schemas
   make it easy to identify changes between versions.  Torque's method of 
defining SQL in
   the code helps identify problems with tables or columns that have been 
dropped or

OK... it was a LONG elevator ride...

Thoughts, comments, objections, et. al.


Greg Monroe <> (919)680-5050
Learning Technologies Group - Solutions Team Lead
Duke Corporate Education, Inc.
310 Blackwell St.
Durham, NC 27701

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