In trunk we have an issue with LargeSelect. This class needs to be
serializable,  in order to be stored in a session.
This means that all of its fields need to be serializable.
It currently holds an instance of BasePeerImpl, which itself holds an
instance of TableMap, which was not serializable.
I made it serializable, this leads to all the Map instances bein
gserializable, and now have a problem at DatabaseMap which holds a database
Database cannot be made serializable (it holds Datasources in instance

So we have a choice to revert to Largeselect holding RecordMapper instances
again, or we can remove the link of DatabaseMap to Database (which can be
done, is not used in many places, but it is an incompatible change)

What do you think ? I have a slight perference for removing DatabaseMap's
database field. I can do the change once decided.


P.S Thanks to FindBugs for noting the issue.

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