This morning I had a first try to create the beta1 release. I abandoned the
try because the release section of the poms is still inconsistent. I'll fix
this and then have another go in the next few days.

Some points to note:
1) I'd like to use the maven release plugin because it saves a lot of work.
However, the maven release plugin works best if modules of a project are in
a subdirectory:
- trunk
  - maven parent pom
  - module 1
    - module 1 pom
  - ...
However, our repository layout is
- trunk
  - maven parent project
    - maven parent pom
  - module 1
    - module 1 pom
  - ...
This leads to the tags of the modules being in the hierarchy of the parent
project, which is not the layout in the trunk.
I have a tendency to switch to the standard layout. Any other opinions ?
(I will leave the 4.0-beta1 tag for inspection until the next release
creation attempt)

2) The maven release plugin formatted whitespace in the poms. If we leave
the current format (which is not worse than the old format IMO), this will
happen only once.


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