Hi Thomas,

On 20.03.2013 01:59, Thomas Fox wrote:
Personally, I'd like to remove the deprecated APIs, especially the old
Criteria implementation, from the runtime.

So these are the things I'd like to tackle.
Does anyone else have any other plans ?
I'd like to suggest two additional playgrounds:
- Further reduction of static classes in the runtime
- Handling of CLOBs/BLOBs. Currently, the data is loaded into memory (byte array or String) This can be dangerous when the L in BLOB really means *Large*. JDBC provides a possibility to read/write this data as a stream. I'd like to expose this functionality to the Torque API somehow. (Not entirely sure if that is possible at all)

Are there objections against
- adding groovy as additional template language to the generator
- adding typed models to the generator
- try to use convention over configuration in the generator
- starting an eclipse plugin elswhere

All +1. The eclipse plugin could as well be hosted in the Torque SVN, IMO.

Bye, Thomas.

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