On 08.07.2013 10:12, Thomas Fox wrote:
Probably the best idea is to reimplement the feature. Personally I do not
use it (I use maven on the command line) so I did not miss it.
Please create an issue.


This feature is very helpful when dealing with m:n relations. It allows
to access all Bs that belong to a certain A with one call. So to get all
As that belong to a certain A is not very useful. I'll create an issue.

Yes, please.


Oops, I thought it was in


but it is not.
Please create an issue.


The documentation of the option "torque.database" says that it is
required for the "generate" goal.

Which documentation?
the only required option is torque.om.package.
But maybe there is another place in the dcs I am not aware of...

I was looking at http://db.apache.org/torque/torque-4.0/documentation/orm-reference/customizing-generation.html

Bye, Thomas.

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