Hi all,

I RTFMed http://nagoya.apache.org/scarab/issues
but found no help from my searches.

I'm using Torque-gen 3.1 on Linux with Java J2SE v1.4.
I have created my own build.xml Ant file and a build.properties
in the same directory.

A particular ant target:

<target name="gendbobjs" depends="init">
          antfile = "/opt/java/torque-gen-3.1/build-torque.xml"
          target  = "main" />

When I run this, among other things, the following shows up on the

[echo] loading templates from /opt/java/torque-gen-3.1/templates
[torque-sql] Using contextProperties file: /home/rich/9ware/cbe/build.properties
[torque-sql] Generating to file /home/rich/9ware/cbe/db/sql/report.cbe.sql.generation
[torque-sql] [INFO] XmlToAppData - -Parsing file: 'cbe-schema.xml'
[torque-sql] [DEBUG] XmlToAppData - -endElement(, , column) called
[torque-sql] [DEBUG] XmlToAppData - -endElement(, , column) called
[torque-sql] [DEBUG] XmlToAppData - -endElement(, , column) called
[torque-sql] [DEBUG] XmlToAppData - -endElement(, , column) called

a *lot* of [DEBUG] stmts follow. I tracked this down to the individual Java class in Torque-gen doing this: org.apache.torque.engine.database.transform.XmlToAppData

It is doing generic log4j Logger calls.  Specifically,
it contains the following "init" line:
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(XmlToAppData.class);

...and contains no other Log4j calls that may override something in a properties config file.


My Question:

I cannot get the [debug] statements to go away, regardless
of what file I edit, or what log4j entry I use, such as

log4j.rootLogger=ERROR, console



in my build.properties file.

Help! - Rich Alberth

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