Hi Everybody,

I have a DAO framework in place and we make DAO's
primarily for each table in our DB2400 Database
libraries (DB2400 doesn't has the conventional concept
of a database, tables are just arranged in libraries).

And then the interface to that DAO is exposed to the 
business rule programmers who can use the DAO using
the Model and Value objects for a particular DAO.

But Torque generated classes are based more on the
concept of a database and it generates code for all
the tables in the database.

Now how do u guys expose an Interface to the Torque
generated classes. I mean how do u guide the business
logic programmers to use the Torque generated classes
without getting too much into the Torque code. Can we
just given them an interface to look at and use.

Also what if I need to use tables from multiple
databases ( libraries in my case ). Is Torque based on
the concept that wherever possible the applications
should be developed to deal only with one database ?

It may not be the best way but if I have one DAO for
each table then exposing its interface becomes
simples. How do u expose the interface for a database
that has many tables.

Thanks in advance for ur ideas ?


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