I am executing maven torque:jdbc to generate schema.xml. It continually displays this error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: classes12.jar
Total time: 6 seconds
Finished at: Fri Dec 03 15:22:58 EST 2004

classes12.jar is present. I have tried different iterations of the CLASSPATH and nothing works - I don't think thats the real problem. Running with maven -X didn't provide anything useful. I've seen this problem posted with no response, and I've seen it posted referring to performing a datadump with the same CLASSPATH error.

I am at my wits end. Can someone help me get it fixed so I can get it documented on this list ?

Thanks - Tod

* Built Torque v3.1.1 from source.
* Installed maven plugin via maven plugin:download -DartifactId=maven-torque-plugin -DgroupId=torque -Dversion=3.1.1
* Switched to the ./torque-3.1.1-src/target directory
* Created project.properties with the appropriate settings for Oracle
* Copied over classes12.jar file
* export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:./torque-3.1.1-src/target/classes12.jar;
* maven torque:jdbc
* I can attach project.properties if it will help.

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