To follow up on this...

The om task always bombs on the 204th table in my schema.xml file.  It
doesn't matter the order of the tables; it's always the 204th.  And the file
the ResourceManager can't find (on the 204th table) alternates between
ExtensionObject.vm and ExtensionPeer.vm.

Obviously, when I reduce the number of tables, the task completes fine.

Has anyone else run into this limit before?

 Derek C. Anderson
 AUREPM Project Lead
 Computer Sciences Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Anderson Derek Civ AU/SCI [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 2:04 PM
To: ''
Subject: unable to find resource 'om/ExtensionObject.vm'

Hey everyone,

I'm having a problem generating my OM under Linux.  My environment is:
        -bash-2.05b$ java -version && ant -version
        Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
        Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_04-b05, mixed mode)
        Apache Ant version 1.6.1 compiled on February 12 2004
w/ torque-gen v3.1.

I'm getting the following error in my velocity.log when running the om task:
        Tue Jan 04 13:26:52 CST 2005  [error] ResourceManager : unable to
        resource 'om/ExtensionObject.vm' in any resource loader.
after approximately 200 successful lines of:
        Tue Jan 04 13:26:52 CST 2005   [info] ResourceManager : found
        om/ExtensionObject.vm with loader

It seems to alternate between not finding ExtensionObject and ExtensionPeer,
but it always fails just after the 200th round of access to the file.

It doesn't seem to be a Xmx problem, as upping it to 512m doesn't help.
(watching it generate doesn't seem to push the vm much above 70m)

Also, very oddly, the exact same environment and script generate just fine
under Windows.  (identical pulls from our CVS repository)

Has anyone seen this happening before?

 Derek C. Anderson
 AUREPM Project Lead
 Computer Sciences Corporation

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