Hello Raphael, couldn't resist answering your question. I am a married man, and 
I sure look forward to have a 1:1 relation between clearly differentiated 
"objects" (i.e. persons) :)
Best regards everyone,
Álvaro Coronel.

Raphael Mankin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Make the FK a unique attribute, then there can be only one 'child' of a given

But why do you want a 1:1 at all? Surely if two objects are 1:1 then they are
two parts of the same object -- unless one part is optional.

On 01-Jul-2005 Thomas Fischer wrote:
> Hi,
> 1:1 and n:m relations are not supported out of the box by Torque, as far as
> I know.
> However, as a 1:1 relation is a special case of a 1:n relation, there
> should be no real problems there. Only thing you have to do is verify that
> one object is referenced only by one other object. You can e.g.
> - override the setter methods to allow only one Element
> - add a unique constarint to the foreign key in the db
> Thomas
> "Rafael Coscolla" schrieb am 01.07.2005 14:10:36:
>> Hi,
>> does anyone know how to implement a one-to-one relation between two
>> tables with torque?.
>> I hoped to find an attribute, in the foreign key element of the torque
>> schema, to indicate the cardinality (one-too-many is created by default)
>> of the relation but I haven't found it.
>> Thanks in advance !!
>> Rafa
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Raphael Mankin

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