Bug report sent directly to me.

@Vadim: If you have problems regarding Torque, please use the mailing lists
and do not send emails directly to the developers. Thanks a lot.


"Pesochinskiy, Vadim \(MSCIBARRA\)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
schrieb am 02.03.2006 23:28:53:

> Hello!
> I am trying to upgrade from version 3.1.1 to 3.2. Here is a fragment
> of Object.vm, that I am having trouble with.
> #set ($currentPackage = $table.Database.Package)
> #foreach ($col in $table.Columns)
>   #if ($col.isForeignKey())
>     #set ($fkPackage = $table.Database.getTable($col.
> RelatedTableName).getPackage())
>       #if  (!$fkPackage.equals($currentPackage) )
> import ${fkPackage}.${table.Database.getTable($col.
> RelatedTableName).JavaName};
> import ${fkPackage}.${table.Database.getTable($col.
> RelatedTableName).JavaName}Peer;
>       #end
>   #end
> #end
> The problem seems to be with getPackage() method, which seems to
> return null and invalid import statements are inserted. E.g.
> import ${fkPackage}.MyTable;
> import ${fkPackage}.MyTablePeer;
> I can resolve this issue, by changing the if condition to check if
> fkPackage is null. E.g.
> #if  ($fkPackage && !$fkPackage.equals($currentPackage) )
> However, I want to avoid changing the templates, because it turns
> into maintenance trouble (we have quite a few now, which I am
> working to remove). Besides, it should have worked for you, but
> somehow it does not work for me. One of the things I suspect is the
> fact that our ant build file is old and it uses following syntax,
> which I cannot find in the standard build-torque.xml. Any help will
> be greatly appreciated.
>     <target name="torque6_dist" depends="torque6_dist_check"
> unless="torque6_dist.uptodate" description="generate om classes if
>         <antcall target="om-clean"/>
>         <torque-om contextProperties="${torque.build.properties}"
> controlTemplate="${OMControlTemplate}"
>             outputDirectory="${torque.output.dir}"
> outputFile="${torque.report}" targetDatabase="${torque.database}"
>             templatePath="templates" useClasspath="false" >
>             <fileset dir= "schema" includes="*-schema.xml"/>
>         </torque-om>
>         <attrib readonly="true">
>             <fileset dir="${bdo.src}/com/barra/cp/bdo/torque"
> includes="Base*.java"/>
>             <fileset dir="${bdo.src}/com/barra/cp/bdo/torque/map"/>
>         </attrib>
>     </target>
> Thanks,
> Vadim.
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