I happened across this interesting Eclipse editor 
plug in:
It make editing Torque templates much nicer.  The
editor does syntax coloring, basic lexical syntax
checking, and some code/variable completion 
The downsides I've seen are the syntax checking 
can be "quirky". E.g. sometimes gets confused when 
#end statements are moved around and you need to 
"touch" the matching #if / #foreach statement. But
it's still much faster than doing multiple builds
to fix syntax errors.
Code completion doesn't know "set" (but syntax does).
Doesn't do tab to space replacement.
Install/documentation is non-existant.  But to install
just copy the com.hudson.velocityweb_1.0.8 directory
in the zip file to your Eclipse plugin directory and
then restart Eclipse.
Greg Monroe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (919)680-5050
C&IS Solutions Team Lead
Duke Corporate Education, Inc.
333 Liggett St.
Durham, NC 27701


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