Context info:
Existing SQL Server, with three databases/schemas, all
with the same structure...
I want to use torque to generate object model classes
for some, but not all tables...
...so I start by running the jdbc task (under Ant)
against one of the dbs to get the schema xml, all fine
- works as docs say it should.  So then I strip out
the tables I don't want code generating for...then run
the "om" task.
Problem: Since some columns have '@' at the start of
names (@description, for instance), so does the code
which refers to these columns. The docs say "javaName"
attribute can be used to specify what the column is
called in java, so that's what I did - except it
doesn't make the blindest bit of difference.
So, What am I doing wrong?  Have I missed some config

Thanks in Advance,

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