Hi all, I’m having troubles using torque to connect to a
MS Access database via jdbcodbc driver. I managed to create
the java classes for this db, using the command
    ant –f build-access.xml
The problems arise qhen I use either
    ant –f build-access.xml create-db
    ant –f build-access.xml insert-sql

Looks like I’m not writing properly the properties file
but I really tried all I could think of!!!!!
I set up the odbc data source in control panel so that the
database SAIAUTF (on localhost) is defined.

With this configuration
torque.database.createUrl = jdbc:odbc:
torque.database.buildUrl = jdbc:odbc:
torque.database.url = jdbc:odbc:SAIAUTF
torque.database.driver = sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
or this
torque.database.createUrl = jdbc:odbc:/
torque.database.buildUrl = jdbc:odbc:/
torque.database.url = jdbc:odbc:/
torque.database.driver = sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

I get this message
[torque-sql-exec] Our new url -> jdbc:odbc:
java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][Driver Manager ODBC] Nome
origine dati non trovato e driver predefinito non
specificato. (that means data source name not found and
predefined driver not specified.... or something similar :P

With this configuration
torque.database.createUrl = jdbc:odbc
torque.database.buildUrl = jdbc:odbc
torque.database.url = jdbc:odbc:SAIAUTF
torque.database.driver = sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver

I get this message
[torque-sql-exec] Our new url -> jdbc:odbc
java.sql.SQLException: No suitable Driver for jdbc:odbc

Please, I really need help on this.

Bye, Enrico.

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