Hi Wieger,

Thanks for your answer! This is exactly what I did. But the point is
that the B schema only contains the primary key of the entire table
specified in schema A. But B has the following properties:


>From the generated B om classes, they inherit A methods but all of them
return null because they don't contain the specific columns in B schema.

So my point is to wonder what is the best thing to use:

- add A columns in B schema instead of having simply the following:
<table name="COUNTRY"
 <column name="BASEID" type="INTEGER" required="true" javaName="BaseId"
primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true"/>

- or get the id from B and use it to retrieve the A.om.Country object to
get all fields.

- or maybe is there something else to do?

Best Regards,

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