First lets make sure we have all the definitions correct
here because the term "database name" has been WAY 
overloaded and folks get the variations confused.

Torque's Schema Database name:

This is a compile time value that is used to connect 
the OM layer objects with their schema info (Map objects)
and find the DB connection info.

DB Server Database name:

This is a DB specific collection of tables, e.g. a 
Catalog in MySQL, a Database in MS SQL, and the like.

The only relationship between these two "database 
names" is that the Torque initialization properties
map the Schema database name to the Server Database 
name.  Specifically, via the JDBC connection info.

That said, the base question here is: What are you 
trying to accomplish here.  

Are you are trying to have MULTIPLE application 
instances (e.g. different web apps) using the same OM 
layer but accessing different Database server databases?  
Maybe with the server info coming from some external 
source (e.g. user supplied property or a DB table). 

In this case, it easy to dynamically create a 
Configuration object that maps the Torque database 
schema name to your DB Server database.  Then use this 
with the Torque.init(Configuration ) method.

If you are trying to use the same OM layer in the SAME 
application to access different server databases, life
becomes a lot more complicated.  You have to start 
thinking about multiple threads using different DB
info (in both senses of the word) and how not to have
transactions start on one server and end on another 
(because another thread changed the DB info).

Currently, the best way to do this is to write your
code using the methods that include a Connection
object, e.g, RecordPeer.doSelect(c, conn); For the most
part, these methods will perform the actions using the
specified connections.  I think most of the areas 
that used to "automagically" get connection have been
fixed so any method with a connection specified will use
it all the way down.

That said, you can then use Torque's DB pooling to 
manage your connections by using the
Torque.getConnection(DBName) method and initializing 
Torque with multiple Schema database names.  These
can be in your Torque init properties file or dynamically
created (as per above).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mehmet Erdem [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:40 AM
> To:
> Subject: How to make the default database settable during runtime?
> Hi,
> I am using Torque 3.2 and I try to make the default database settable 
> during runtime.
> I created a class DefaultDatabase with a static method getName() that 
> takes the default
> database name from a property file.
> Then I modified the MapBuilder.vm and Peer.vm to refer to 
> this getName() 
> method instead of the template variable $table.Database.Name.
> MapBuilder.vm:
> <       dbMap = Torque.getDatabaseMap(DefaultDatabase.getName());
> ---
>  >       dbMap = Torque.getDatabaseMap("$table.Database.Name");
> Peer.vm:
> <     public static final String DATABASE_NAME = 
> DefaultDatabase.getName();
> <
> ---
>  >     public static final String DATABASE_NAME = 
> "$table.Database.Name";
>  >
> So is this the right way to make the default database 
> settable. Or did I 
> miss something ? It seems
> unlikely that I am the only one so far who wants to change 
> the database 
> without regenerating
> classes.
> Thanks,
> Mehmet Erdem
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