The goal id-table-init-sql does not exist in the maven2 plugin; I'd
consider it a missing feature (please add a feature request to jira). If I
understand you correctly, the sql file gets created, and the problem is to
execute it ? If this is the case, then the sqlExec goal would be the
correct goal; however, it executes all sql file in a single directory (I'm
not sure whether this is what you want).
Maybe you can run the sql goal twice, once for creating the normal sql, and
the second time creating the sql file for the id broker ?


"Marc Kannegiesser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb am 14.09.2007

> Hi Everyone.
> I am currently porting the built-process of an application from Maven1 to
Maven 2.
> We used the maven-torque-plugin and - of course - we are planning to use
> maven2 MOJO-Based version now. This works quite well already but I'm
> having some problems with the IDBroker feature.
> For maven1 there was a goal named torque:id-table-init-sql to init the
> Broker table. This goal is missing in the maven2 version and I am
> how to realize that the corresponding table gets created correctly.
> The only thing I could find was the config-option of the torque:sql goal
> idTableXmlFile which I alrady set.
> But this seems to be ignored and I am wondering if i need any additional
> (undocumented) parameters or even an additional plugin?
> My configuration in the pom.xml file:
> <plugin>
>   <groupId>org.apache.db.torque</groupId>
>   <artifactId>torque-maven-plugin</artifactId>
>   <version>3.3-RC2</version>
>   <configuration>
>     <url>jdbc:mysql://localhost/minos</url>

>     <runOnlyOnSchemaChange>false</runOnlyOnSchemaChange>
>     <targetDatabase>mysql</targetDatabase>
>     <schemaDir>${basedir}/src/torque-schemas</schemaDir>
>     <templatePath>${basedir}/src/torque-templates</templatePath>
>     <driver></driver>
>     <user>root</user>
>     <password></password>
>     <schemaIncludes>*schema.xml</schemaIncludes>
>     <schemaExcludes>id-table-schema.xml</schemaExcludes>
>     <targetPackage></targetPackage>
>     <idTableXmlFile>id-table-schema.xml</idTableXmlFile>
>   </configuration>
>   <dependencies>
>     <dependency>
>       <groupId>mysql</groupId>
>       <artifactId>mysql-connector-java</artifactId>
>       <version>3.1.12</version>
>       <type>jar</type>
>     </dependency>
>   </dependencies>
>   <executions>
>     <execution>
>       <id>Creating .sql files</id>
>       <phase>process-resources</phase>
>       <goals>
>          <goal>sql</goal>
>       </goals>
>     </execution>
>     <execution>
>       <id>OM Goal (Generating Classes, Beans, ...)</id>
>       <phase>process-resources</phase>
>       <goals>
>         <goal>om</goal>
>       </goals>
>       <configuration>
>         <enableJava5Features>true</enableJava5Features>
>         <complexObjectModel>true</complexObjectModel>
>         <generateBeans>true</generateBeans>
>         <beanSuffix>Bean</beanSuffix>
>       </configuration>
>     </execution>
>     <execution>
>       <id>Fire sql to the database!!!</id>
>       <phase>process-resources</phase>
>       <goals>
>          <goal>sqlExec</goal>
>       </goals>
>     </execution>
>   </executions>
> </plugin>
> With the maven1 plugin in the sql goal files like table-idbroker.sql were

> generated and executed during the insert-sql goal. This seems not to be
> happening with the maven2 plugin.
> Hopefully anybody can help me and tell me what I forgot ;)
> Thanks in advance,
> Marc
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