On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Florian Hopf wrote:

we are using Torque to generate our OM-classes for several submodules in
a Maven2 multiproject structure. Everything works fine so far, but as we
keep the schema code for the domain classes  in the different
submodules, several instances of org.apache.torque.linkage.MyDBMapInit
are created (one for every subpackage that contains a Torque schema).

Is the only use for this class to manually set up the schema
information? Can we safely ignore that there are several classes with
the same name in the same package in the classpath?

The use of the class is to load all TableMap classes at once via
DatabaseMap.initialize(). If you do not call DatabaseMap.initialize() (which is the "standard" way), the TableMaps are loaded the first time the corresponding Peer class is loaded. So if you do not call DatabaseMap.initialize() manually, you can ignore the classes.

Or even better: Can the generation of the class be disabled?

At the moment, only by changing the templates, I'm afraid.


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