> I agree with that.
> But as it's Torque (or commons-logging) which OUTPUT the log messages on 
> classes and packages it wants, it should ensure that something could be 
> with the Log4j configuration, or guess, or whatever, or at least the 
> website should have a FAQ which says that this package and this package 
> have appenders configured, because we're not supposed to know who 
outputs !!

I agree it should be documented what to do. But I still am convinced that 
no library should attempt to configure the logger. Imagine you have some 
twenty libraries and each does some initialisation by guess ...a 
> Then, to conclude, TO HAVE TORQUE LOG WORKING :
> - Just put a log4j.properties in your classpath, saying that :
> log4j.category.rootCategory = <whatever>
> log4j.category.org.apache.commons = <whatever>
> log4j.category.org.apache.torque = <whatever>
> <rest of config files>
> - Put a commons-logging.properties in your classpath with these 2 lines 
> You need commons-logging and log4j jars (and probably other 
dependencies) to
> make this working, of course.

Thanks a lot, I'll ad that to the documentation.


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