Thomas Fischer wrote:
>> Can you explaim why is so overwhelmed by Hibernate ? Is there some
>> performance related isssue ?
> My personal opinion is that there are two reasons:
> 1) documentation is _MUCH_ better for hibernate
> 2) The concept for hibernate seems to be easy: Give an object to Hibernate 
> and Hibernate does all the persistence work.

I'd like to add that I tend to disagree with the point "easy concept".
If you wrote those mapping xml-files once you'd know what I mean.

What I like best about Torque is the generator approach. It puts a
compiler between me and my database objects and this alone helps a lot
to find problems with the schema (as Ivano has experienced). Hibernate
on the contrary uses introspection to handle its objects which is a PITA
to debug. Just look at the zillions of Hibernate tools to help you with
a problem you'd never have if you did it right in the first place...

Just my two cents.

Bye, Thomas.

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