I forgot about the HTML filter this group uses… pardon the crappy formatting. 
Here is a text-only version:

Our code base is heavily invested in some of the functionality removed from 
torque 4.0 and I was wondering if any one had some advice on a migration path:

        1. We make extensive use of village records obtained via 
BasePeer.doSelect(Criteria), for example. Those results could probably be 
considered a view of the data and I am wondering if that would be the 
correct/recommended/best approach.

        2. We have added our own caching implementation (configurable via the 
schema definition) to the Object.vm and Peer.vm templates. I have read through 
the new generator documentation and the customization part of the OR Mapping 
 but I don’t seem to be able to find the relevant information to put it all 
together. Basically, I would like to override one or more templates. I think I 
know how to specify that in an outlet, but do I also need the control 
configuration in the conf directory? The maven plugin (we use maven) has 
configuration parameters for overrideConfigDir and overrideConfigPackage… do I 
need to set those?

        3. This is more of a maven question, maybe, alas I have the feeling it 
isn’t actually possible to implement through it, but is there a way to skip the 
code generation steps if the schema sources have not changed?

        4. I know how to configure logging for the generator, but the switch 
between loglevel WARN and INFO is quite severe. Is there a way to log at INFO 
level but only to a file, not to the console? We use log4j throughout our 

Thanks very much in advance for any advice and pointers!


> On Jul 1, 2015, at 9:51 AM, Helge Weissig <hel...@grajagan.org> wrote:
> Our code base is heavily invested in some of the functionality removed from 
> torque 4.0 and I was wondering if any one had some advice on a migration path:
> We make extensive use of village records obtained via 
> BasePeer.doSelect(Criteria), for example. Those results could probably be 
> considered a view of the data and I am wondering if that would be the 
> correct/recommended/best approach.
> We have added our own caching implementation (configurable via the schema 
> definition) to the Object.vm and Peer.vm templates. I have read through the 
> new generator documentation and the customization part of the OR Mapping 
> Reference 
> (https://db.apache.org/torque/torque-4.0/documentation/orm-reference/customizing-generation.html
> <https://db.apache.org/torque/torque-4.0/documentation/orm-reference/customizing-generation.html>)
>  but I don’t seem to be able to find the relevant information to put it all 
> together. Basically, I would like to override one or more templates. I think 
> I know how to specify that in an outlet, but do I also need the control 
> configuration in the conf directory? The maven plugin (we use maven) has 
> configuration parameters for overrideConfigDir and overrideConfigPackage… do 
> I need to set those?
> This is more of a maven question, maybe, alas I have the feeling it isn’t 
> actually possible to implement through it, but is there a way to skip the 
> code generation steps if the schema sources have not changed?
> I know how to configure logging for the generator, but the switch between 
> loglevel WARN and INFO is quite severe. Is there a way to log at INFO level 
> but only to a file, not to the console? We use log4j throughout our project.
> Thanks very much in advance for any advice and pointers!
> cheers,
> h.
> Helge Weissig, Ph.D.
> Director, Bioinformatics & IT
> ActivX Biosciences, Inc.
> www.activx.com <http://www.activx.com/>
> www.kinativ.com <http://www.kinativ.com/>

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