6 new changesets in crew:

changeset:   r2805:60d1cf6f932a
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 03:07:53
summary:     gtklib: add missing import of os module
affected #:  1 file (10 bytes)

changeset:   r2806:15a5b3c1efa5
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 03:10:09
summary:     gtklib: native save dialog changes cwd

Interestingly, win32gui.GetSafeFileNameW changes the process
current working directory to the file save target and then returns
a relative file name.  This is all kinds of bad, so we store cwd
and restore it after the dialog exits.
affected #:  1 file (87 bytes)

changeset:   r2807:5829512e6348
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 03:25:45
summary:     clone: underbar, string cleanups
affected #:  1 file (314 bytes)

changeset:   r2808:f791ec26e7c5
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 06:47:57
summary:     gtklib: fix filter parameters
affected #:  1 file (49 bytes)

changeset:   r2809:ecc23800cfaf
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 06:49:53
summary:     gtklib: add NativeFolderSelectDialog class

GetSaveFileNameW does not allow folder selection near as I can tell
SHBrowseForFolder() needed quite a bit of work before it would start
in the correct place, and allow new folders to be added, and allow the
user to enter paths.  But this seems to mostly work.
affected #:  1 file (2.4 KB)

changeset:   r2810:1a766d2ecc6d
user:        sborho
date:        2009-06-10 06:50:28
summary:     clone: use new gtklib.NativeFolderSelectDialog() class
affected #:  1 file (390 bytes)

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