Issue 403: usability: make Esc close the dialogs

Steve Borho / sborho on Fri, 17 Jul 2009 05:51:33 +0200:

  We are a young project, and up until release 0.8 there were much more 
pressing problems to address, so a lot of this stuff has been pushed under the 
rug for a while.  But it is improving at quite a good rate.   The next minor 
release of 0.8 will include at least some basic documentation, so feature 
discovery should become less difficult.

I expect the next feature release to have major usability improvements.

We're moving towards tying these applications together.  For instance, in 0.8 
you can do nearly everything from the changelog tool except some working 
directory operations, and those you get to from the commit tool.  So from two 
apps you get 90% feature coverage.

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