On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 3:01 AM, Sune Foldager <sune.folda...@me.com> wrote:
> I think we should keep the overlays in place until we have a viable
> alternative. I would be ok with doing any necessary upkeep to the code
> to make it at least run as it does now (and maybe I am dense, but it
> seems to work fine for me, the few times I use it).
> As for the alternative, I think a central integrated explorer window
> with different modes would be a nice thing. This is pretty much the
> current repository explorer. I don't know how this would look, but
> consider the following:
> The top part always shows the history, as it does currently. The bottom
> part can either show files/commit message/diff as it does now, *or* file
> tree as it looked on the selected history version/perhaps still commit
> message if things fit. Then we probably need a third option to display
> the working directory file browser, or at least a way to select it in
> the history viewer. Perhaps we should add a virtual working directory
> tree node, although that could be a bit annoying when you're just
> viewing history.

This idea intrigues me, showing a changeset as the state of the
directory tree at it's parent, plus the modifications committed.. so
modified files would have modified icons, added files would have plus
signs, etc.

We would need to add Adrian's proposal of showing the current working
tree as a "proto-changeset" in the graph, at which point the commit
tool almost becomes superfluous.

If we could cram a 2way visual diff viewer in there, we'd be in
revision history heaven.

Steve Borho

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