On Tue, Jul 13, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Kevin Grover <ke...@kevingrover.net> wrote:
> I just noticed this today on WinXP / THg-1.1 hg-1.6, WinXP SP2
> hg help {revsets,hgweb,glossary}
> display these errors:
>> hg help resets
> abort: No such file or directory: c:\Program 
> Files\TortoigeHg\.\help\resets.txt
>> hg help hgweb
> abort: No such file or directory: c:\Program Files\TortoigeHg\.\help\.txt
>> hg help glossary
> abort: No such file or directory: c:\Program Files\TortoigeHg\.\help\.txt
> I tried them hg-1.6 on my home linux box and they all worked, so I'm
> assuming it's a build issue and not something with mercurial itself.
> For anyone who cares, when I discovered one that failed, I tested them
> all using a batch file:
> chk.bat - Requires 'gawk' in the current path
> @echo off
> hg help | gawk '/^^ \w+/{print $1;}' > %TEMP%\hgcmds
> for /f %%a in ('type %TEMP%\hgcmds') do (
>  hg help %%a > nul:
>  if not errorlevel 0 echo %%a
> )
> del %TEMP%\hgcmds
> I have _not_ installed the standalone Mercurial build to try it - I
> did not have it handy at work.

This was fixed in 1.1.1, released yesterday.

Steve Borho

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