Hello TortoiseSVN developers,

I host a small SVN server for my university project team and have a Let's 
Encrypt TLS certificate. Today we started getting this error:

C:\Users\mtrescott\Documents\formulasae>svn up
Updating '.':
Error validating server certificate for 
 - The certificate is not issued by a trusted authority. Use the
   fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!
Certificate information:
 - Hostname: trescott.net
 - Valid: from Aug  4 05:36:20 2021 GMT until Nov  2 05:36:18 2021 GMT
 - Issuer: R3, Let's Encrypt, US
 - Fingerprint: 07:D0:B7:05:56:E1:76:29:BC:30:82:10:22:DF:29:4B:5F:5B:6A:6D
(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? t

I believe the problem is caused by Tortoise not including the ISRG Root X1 
CA certificate. Let's Encrypt has an article about this. 

It's not too inconvenient because we can just manually trust the 
certificate, but it would be helpful to have this CA certificate included, 
since we'd have a permanent fix then.

Best regards,

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