lördag 28 maj 2022 kl. 10:10:11 UTC+2 skrev Stefan:

> can't find an attached patch.

Google Groups and I are not friends when it comes to attachments. Sorry.

But I just removed the whole "upcoming milestone" since it's hard to 
> predict the next releases.

I know. Let's hope it is not too long until 1.15 and the performance and WC 
size fixed.

There is still a reference to 1.13.x as the "stable branch", attached. 
(This time I'm sure the attachment is there..)


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Index: status.html
--- status.html (revision 29397)
+++ status.html (working copy)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
         {% include adsense_inpage.html %}
         <h3>What we are currently working on</h3>
-        <p>Apart from fixing bugs for the stable branch (1.13.x)
+        <p>Apart from fixing bugs for the stable branch (1.14.x)
         there are some new features and enhancements to existing
         features we are currently discussing and even already working on.</p>

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