onsdag 22 mars 2023 kl. 15:53:04 UTC+1 skrev F&F Technologies:

Good day all.

My organization is trying to use TortoiseSVN as a version control client. 
In researching, from the user group, it looks as though this may not be 
accepted as a vulnerability by TortoiseSVN.

The concern is that a macro can be executed which might harm a network. It 
appears that there are a number of steps to get there. 

1. Can someone please advise if this was addressed? 

2. If addressed, where might I find documentation on the resolution?

3. If not are there plans to?

4. If no plans requesting explanation why so I can present to organization.

I am hoping to obtain answer by end of day Thursday as I have a meeting to 
rebut objections.



Please check r28647 of the diff script at 
https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/trunk/contrib/diff-scripts/, it 
adds a protection layer by disabling macros:

// disable all macros
objExcelApp.AutomationSecurity = 3; //msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable

Based on the date it seems to be in reaction to the CVE. It should have 
been included in the 1.13 release, it certainly is included as installed in 

Kind regards,

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