fredag 31 mars 2023 kl. 05:09:47 UTC+2 skrev Shiko Emiya:

Good day
My company wants to build a server that allows about 50 people use it in 
the same time. 
Could you please give me some suggestions about what kind of hardware 
should I use?
Thank you very much.


You need to provide a lot more details than the above to get a reasonably 
accurate answer. For example, what is the intended use for the server, what 
kind of OS and software will you run?

Since you are asking in the TortoiseSVN forum, I'm assuming you are looking 
for a server providing some sort of virtual desktops. TortoiseSVN will not 
require much in resources in excess of what you need for your other use 
cases. If you scale your server for your main use case it will cope easily 
with TortoiseSVN.

If you are thinking about building an SVN server (ie, hosting repositories) 
you can probably get better answers on or by 
asking the vendor providing your Subversion server (if you run one of the 
commercial distributions). The answer will depend a lot on the amount of 
data you plan to store and how you plan to use SVN, however my gut feeling 
is that for 50 developers committing normal source code, almost any server 
produced within the last 10 years should cope easily.

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg

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  • Hardware question TortoiseSVN-dev on behalf of Shiko Emiya
    • Re: Hardware question Daniel Sahlberg via TortoiseSVN-dev

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