Hi Dave,

Here is a link to a class period on Open Source from my introduction to 
computing course that might be of interest:


Some context:

* This is our first course so many students have never programmed before.
* I do this session on the 3rd day of class after a day on Algorithmic Thinking 
and a day on Algorithms and Ethics.
* The overall theme for this day is “Computing and the Greater Good.” But it 
uses Open Source and Humanitarian Open Source as examples of ways to apply 
computing to problems that matter to communities.
* The main idea here is to plant seeds early that computing has social value in 
addition to the business value that they all are well aware of.

* They do some reading and prep before class.
* Then we do the in class activities in small discussion groups with report 
outs to the full class.

* The in class activities have them look at some open source with humanitarian 
goals, think about the communities and missions around the project.
* They learn just a little bit about what it means for software to be open 
source, how open source development works, and licensing.
* They touch on permissive and copyleft and think about the tradeoffs between 
associated with copyleft and in particular its potential social value.

Happy to discuss more if you like.  Just get in touch.


From: Dave Lillethun 
Subject: [TOS] Suggestions for Single Lecture about Open Source
I was hoping I could pick your brains for some ideas....? I will have a
*single* class period to teach a small class (about 20) of *non-majors*
about open source.?
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