Hi all,

I just joined the TeachingOpenSource mailing list and the instructions 
encouraged an email introduction :)

My name is Ken and I teach software development at Green River College, a 
community college about 25 miles south of Seattle, WA, USA. A few years ago, I 
helped to launch an applied baccalaureate program at our college, focusing on 
software development / applied computer science. In over ten years of teaching, 
I have heard from folks that students who engage in open-source project work 
are in a stronger position in terms of gaining experience that is valued by 
industry and being about to differentiate themselves in the hiring process. 
However, the implied expectation is that students will engage in open-source 
projects on their own time, which is not realistic with the community college 
students who I serve. Many of the students who I work with have survival jobs 
that they work at outside of class and/or have commitments to support families 
(so there is no “extra time” to engage in projects) and as you probably can 
guess, many students who are new to tech are intimidated by the process of 
engaging with an open source project where they aren’t sure about if they are 
“good enough” to contribute or the process of how to get started. So I have 
been working to find a way to make open-source project work more accessible to 
my students.

This past academic year, through the support of a foundation grant, I partnered 
with an organization called Mentors in Tech, where I was able to help each 
student capstone team (four students per team) connect with two technical 
project mentors (experienced software engineers working in industry) and one 
project coach (an experienced project manager in industry). While it is was 
important to give agency to student teams, the idea was to have student teams 
be supported by mentors to help them with the process of engaging in a new 
project, identifying a place where they can contribute, and helping to both 
boost confidence (that students are ready) and to manage scope/expectations 
while getting started (working on fixes and small features in an existing large 
codebase, rather than building entire products from scratch). In the past, I 
would have to be the mentor-advisor for all teams, but through this model, I 
have a team of facilitator-mentors who can be in a better position to coach 
students (since I know I have a power dynamic as the person who assigns grades) 
and through meeting/working with the mentors, I get a better sense as to where 
students are and where I can help provide supplemental instruction in the 
classroom to support the project work. So far, it has been really exciting for 
students and for me to see what they have been able to accomplish and 
contribute with the help of project mentors, but there’s still more to learn 
and do to help make this a sustainable effort over time.

My vision is to be able to provide every student in my program with the 
opportunity to work on an open-source project as part of their capstone courses 
(rather than an “extra outside of class”), so every student in the program can 
have both the learning experience and the experience they can put on their 
resume and speak about in their interviews. At this point, I have been putting 
a lot of thought into “backwards design” and figuring out how to build up 
intermediate skills in working on open-source projects in earlier courses so 
that it is an even more accessible experience by the time students get to the 
capstone courses.

I am excited to I found TeachingOpenSource and I am looking forward to meeting 
and learning from the community as I continue my teaching and learning journey!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer,

Kendrick Hang
Program Director, BAS Software Development
Instructor, Data Analytics and Software Development
Green River College

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