Hey Now!
In relation to Seamus Beaghan, the nearest thing to a
Mike barson replacement. He played with the band from
1985 onwards and toured the Mad not Mad Album aswell
as demonstrating his keyboard and accordian skills on
the Red wedge Tour(wanna see Madness at their worst,
get that video). He is the bloke on the cover of Uncle
sam 7" and does the 'we interupt this programme to
bring you....'

He then played a significant role on the The Madness
album. with the demise of The Madness, Seamus then
found time(if memory serves me correctly) on the
Butterfield 8 collection with Bedders and terry
edwards no less(DQMOT though).

The next sighting of him was walking backstage at
Madstock, the scene where Woddy embraces his Ex-wife
Jane Woodgate, he strolls behind, now bald and in a
white jacket.

Seamus then found fame appearing on The Jack Dee Show
(now on Paramount every week night) playing alongside
his band the Appolos. They were like a jazz cafe band,
very stylish indeed.

Seamus then cropped up on TV with the band for a
performance of Lovestruck on CD:UK in July.

As for Seamus Beaghan now...well you will wait and

All the best

"If it ain't Vince, it ain't worth a F*CK!"

ICQ 46099201


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