seanadams wrote:
> You're actually quite wrong about the cost to produce these. From my
> experience getting parts like this made, I would estimate the tooling
> cost at no less than $25,000. 

Tooling to make five probably only costs $1000, but then you have to use
plastics that a major player like Logitech would not ship to customers.
To use regular injection molding, Sean is in the right ballpark from
what I've seen.

As long as its a separate SKU, it probably costs $10 just to have it in
the inventory, even if the box is empty.

I find the tone of this whole thread to be insulting. Its a free market,
if you don't want to spend that much, don't buy it.

If a few folks want to, you could take a mould off one and use
prototyping equipment to make a few dozen or maybe a hundred.

That the incremental cost of making "one" more unit is tiny is
irrelevant. You don't think that there is $40,000 worth of materials in
that F-150 pickup truck that you just bought? Someone has to amortize
the engineering and tooling and marketing costs.

Grow up, please.

Pat Farrell

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