
This is from Microsoft:

Note the following limitations when you use the FAT32 file system with
Windows XP: 

Clusters cannot be 64 kilobytes (KB) or larger. If clusters are 64 KB
or larger, some programs (such as Setup programs) may incorrectly
calculate disk space.

A FAT32 volume must contain a minimum of 65,527 clusters. You cannot
increase the cluster size on a volume that uses the FAT32 file system so
that it contains fewer than 65,527 clusters.

The maximum disk size is approximately 8 terabytes when you take into
account the following variables: The maximum possible number of clusters
on a FAT32 volume is 268,435,445, and there is a maximum of 32 KB per
cluster, along with the space required for the file allocation table

You cannot decrease the cluster size on a FAT32 volume so that the size
of the FAT is larger than 16 megabytes (MB) minus 64 KB. 

You cannot format a volume larger than 32 gigabytes (GB) in size using
the FAT32 file system during the Windows XP installation process.

Windows XP can mount and support FAT32 volumes larger than 32 GB
(subject to the other limits), but you cannot create a FAT32 volume
larger than 32 GB by using the Format tool during Setup.

If you need to format a volume that is larger than 32 GB, use the NTFS
file system to format it. Another option is to start from a Microsoft
Windows 98 or Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition (Me) Startup disk and
use the Format tool included on the disk. 

This said the file size limitation of 4gb is not an issue for us.

The main concerns are:

1. You can not format a FAT32 partition or volume greater than 32gb
using WIN XP. You can mount drives partitioned larger than 32gb but its
with XP.
Does the linux OS support partitions larger than 32gb? If the OS on the
Touch will allow drives partitioned greater than 32gb this is good.

2. Many newer usb drives come preformatted with NTFS to support
Microsofts NTFS etc..its there recommendation to use NTFS over FAT32 on
large drives.
If a person gets a new usb drive partitioned with ntfs they may not
know how or have a way to re-format this drive to FAT32. This will cause
calls to logitech as these new large $99 1 TB USB drives come out , and
they are out.

>From some of the comments from thomas forester it seems that he is
using drives formated larger than 32 gb , which is good. The newer ntfs
drives would need to be re-formated etc.

Some folks hav 90,000 songs in their collections and NTFS will be an
adavantage if the drivers are written to properly support the NTFS file
structure...with larger and larger drives.

FAT32 as some have said in real world performance may not be that
noticeable but its indeed better , forward looking and I would think
that Logitech would want to be forward looking and best of
breed...legacy standards are hard to leave sometime, but the time has


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