BrianB wrote:
> I do find it odd that it's so hard to nail down a date, especially this
> close to the last rumored date of February. I called about 3 weeks ago
> and asked when it can be expected and they said "spring".

You clearly don't work in the software development space.

There is one time that I can tell my boss when software will be
finished: when its done. If its not done, then words like "soon" are
meaningless. You don't and cant' know what is keeping it from being
done. You can not estimate when it will be done.

I spent 5 years working on a PhD trying to find why we are so inept at
estimating software. I did not finish my thesis, I'm not "Doctor Pat"

If you ask an engineer how long it will take to build a building, he
will give you an estimate that is within a few percent. He can also give
a cost estimate that is amazingly accurate. Same with designing cars,
airplanes, etc. It is not this way with software. We don't have the tools.

Anyone who says that he can predict when software will be completed is

1) making it all up
2) using my technique, where "when" is defined as "now"

Pat Farrell

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