aubuti;513217 Wrote: 
> Tiny server (also known as TinySC or TinySBS) is the Squeezebox Server
> that can run on the SB Touch. If you want to play audio from a pen drive
> or SD card on the Touch then you need to use TinySBS. TinySBS + USB
> drive or SD card can also act as a server to other SBs in addition to
> the Touch.
> It is not required to use TinySBS -- if you want continue using the
> usual pc-based SBS you can do that. Even though TinySBS is essentially
> the same software as regular SBS, it has some limitations that are
> required to make it run reliably on the SB Touch. In particular, TinySBS
> has no web interface, does not support 3rd party plugins, and cannot do
> transcoding.
> Hope this helps.

Thank you very much!

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