On Feb 16, 2010, at 10:20 AM, ukdiceman wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is this possible.....
> I do not wish to have a PC switched on all of the time except for
> ripping music.
> 1) I would like to use the Touch and a NAS to store music on, which I
> hope to control via my iPhone. Reading this forum I don't think this
> will be possible as the Touch will not play music directly from a NAS.
> Is this correct?

Right, you can't access a remote NAS drive with Touch's built-in server.  You 
have to run the regular SBS for this situation.

> 2) Touch with a USB drive connected, and controlled from my iPhone, I
> think this is possible. Also with this senario would I be able to copy
> ripped music from my PC over the network onto the USB drive connected to
> the Touch?

This works very well, and is going to be a common use case I'm sure.

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