erland;534452 Wrote: 
> It might work in SqueezePlay on OSX or Linux, but it won't work on
> Windows.
> However, if you like to test the image on SqueezePlay you should be
> able to just replace the file directly in Explorer (the file manager).
> Should be in a directory similar to:
> C:\Program
> Files\Squeezebox\SqueezePlay\lua\applets\WQVGAsmallSkin\images\UNOFFICIAL\VUMeter
> If you like to try if a patch work I'm afraid you will have to use a
> real Squeezebox device or possibly SqueezePlay on Linux or OSX.
> Unfortunately, the first part of the directory structure is a bit
> different on Windows so you won't even be able to just unzip zip file
> there, you will need to copy the png file manually.

That's just what I needed. I'm watching my cool new meters now!

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