toby10;536062 Wrote: 
> This is the expected behavior.  When you are controlling another player
> via Touch, you turn that other player OFF, then Touch "emulates" the
> state of that other player, in this case OFF (standby).
> But at this point the Touch as a player itself is still playing because
> you have not asked Touch to turn OFF.

I can see the logic, but I now have the Touch in 'sleep' (clock
display) and can't get back to Touch controlling Touch without
switching the other player back on.

I expected to find a "Turn off <player>" option as the others have
suggested, I'll check bugzilla and raise as an ER.


2 * SB3, 1 * Boom, 2 * SBR, 1 * Radio and 1 * Touch
controlled by IR, SBC [and iPeng on iPhone - wifi died!!]
7.5.0 on WHS on HP MediaSmart (EX470) upgraded to 2G RAM
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