Tonight I tried and tried to get it to stutter or do anything wrong and
nothing worked, it played flawlessly no matter what. 24/96 -8 flac,
over WiFi to the server with spectrum analyzer or VU meters, long name
so text scrolling in the now playing screen. I tried slideshow over
WiFi as well. It just sat there and worked.

Its hard to debug something when when you can't make it happen. 

The worst average CPU was about 50% which was when using VU meters.
Once every several minutes the CPU utilization would go up to 95% for a
very short time, but still no interruption to the music. The spikes
didn't seem to have any relation to the music, it wasn't at the
beginning or end of a track, just somewhere in the middle.

The VU meters were interesting, when playing a 16/44,1 wav file turning
on the VU meters increased the CPU usage a lot, but when playing a 24/96
-8 flac turning on the VU meters made hardly any difference. 

John S.

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