Hi all

To clarify: I run the latest Software and play the music from a
USB-drive directly from the Touch.

I have the same problem with 96/24 files. First I used a WD elements
and the stuttering/rebuffering was very bad. Impossible to listen to
these tracks (Linn Studio Masters). Then I changed to a better, faster
WD-drive (Elite Edition) and there were less problems, but still
stuttering/rebuffering. Finally I tested the same files using a fast
SD-card. Et voila... no more problems at all!

Maybe this helps to debug the Touch, because it can obviously handle
the 96/24 files and the problems are caused either by the USB-drive or
- for those streaming from an exterior server - from the network.

For the moment my workaround is playing the "normal" Flacs (up to
48/24) from the USB-drive, while using the SD-card to play the high
resolution Flacs.

The sound of the Touch is really superb considering it's comparingly
low price! Once the USB/network problems are sorted out, I will be 100%
happy with it.

Soundman's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=37777
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77080

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