When this problem has come up before, it's related to transcoding (i.e.
converting the file into a format that the player can handle natively)
but the Touch (when used a server) doesn't do transcoding I think.  

This page from the wiki suggests that 24 bit ALAC files aren't
supported natively when using the Touch as a server (or it may just be
out of date! - all user generated content).


Assuming you are all using the Touch as a server, are the ALAC files 16
or 24bit?  iTunes created files does seem to be a common factor.  I will
create a few and have a test. Also, have you got crossfade on or off? I
know the OP has it switched off.


Who am I on 'LAST.FM' (http://www.last.fm/user/siduhe)?
"-Siduhe Loved Tracks radio got the thumbs up. Feedback included: yeah,
it's good... got the odd dodgy track tho...-" (c) 'ModelCitizen'
Siduhe's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=723
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=77809

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